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The Israel-Palestine War: Around ‘1,500 dead’ of Hamas militants discovered in Israel: IDF

The escalation of the Israel-Hamas conflict raises concerns about a humanitarian crisis and the global economy

The escalation of the Israel-Hamas conflict raises concerns about a humanitarian crisis and the global economy

 The Israel-Palestine War: Around ‘1,500 dead’ of Hamas militants discovered in Israel: IDF

The Delhi Police has increased security around the Israeli consulate and Chabad House in reaction to the continuing Israel-Hamas situation. This is a preventive measure in reaction to the region’s rising tensions.

Hamas, the Gaza Strip’s controlling organisation, launched a surprise attack on Israel’s southern territories early Saturday. The fighting has resulted in substantial casualties, with at least 700 deaths and over 2,100 injuries reported in Israel, and over 2,000 injuries and almost 500 deaths reported in Gaza.

Conflict’s Major Highlights:

How it Unfolded:

Israel’s Response:

International Response:

As the Israel-Palestine conflict worsens, worldwide leaders and organisations are keeping a close eye on the situation and lobbying for peaceful approaches..

Nepali Students Hold Candlelight Memorial in Patan Durbar Square to Honour Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Victims

Several dozens of Nepali students gathered in Patan Durbar Square to organise a candlelight memorial for the ten Nepali students tragically died in Israel during the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. Members of the Nepal Student Union gathered on Monday night, carrying banners and placards with inscriptions such as “Heartfelt condolence” and “Pray for World Peace.” Their key demand was the immediate rescue of other Nepali citizens who had become stranded in Israel.

These kind students lighted lights against the backdrop of this ancient square, forming a sad line that symbolised their solidarity and mourning. As these children gather together to honour the memories of their countrymen lost in a distant land, their touching homage demonstrates the enduring links of mankind that transcend boundaries and conflicts. During these trying times, their actions send a message of hope, peace, and unity.


Israeli Military Announces Discovery of Hamas Militant Bodies in Israel

The Israeli military has announced the finding of around 1,500 bodies of Hamas militants within Israel, mainly in the area of the Gaza Strip, in a significant development. This report was supplied by military spokesperson Richard Hecht, who also stated that Israeli security forces have made significant headway in recovering control of the border territory adjacent to Gaza.

This revelation is significant in the continuing Israel-Palestine conflict since it sheds insight on the widespread presence of Hamas fighters within Israeli territory. The actions of Israeli security forces to reestablish authority along the border indicate a shift in conflict dynamics, with consequences for the wider situation in the region..

As the battle progresses, these changes will surely have far-reaching implications, influencing both sides’ strategy and actions. The finding of these dead emphasises the situation’s complexity and gravity, needing continuous attention and international participation to find a peaceful settlement.


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